Drupal website development: BALLE

Drupal website: BALLEWe talk a lot about WordPress, but it’s not the only open source content management system we work with. Just last month we rolled out a Drupal powered site for the San Francisco based Business Alliance for Local Living Economies (BALLE).

After electing to go open source, BALLE was drawn to Drupal’s ability to blend public and member only features into a unified website. With a healthy repository of plug-ins, Drupal offered a lot of value out of the box, while still allowing substantial control to the development team.

In addition to a custom Drupal theme, the public side serves up a Google Maps based directory, an integrated calendar that replaces a separately managed Google Calendar,  and plenty of content maintained by authors that don’t have to worry about HTML.

After users self register and are approved by BALLE administrators, they gain access to premium content and features. Users maintain their own profile and discover or look up other members with the directory. A member only file repository is filled with valuable resources ranging from conference call recordings to grant applications.

If you’re interested in sustainability or local economies, be sure to check out their new website. And if you’re looking to add member exclusive value to your website, !

One Response to “Drupal website development: BALLE”

  1. Hello there. This is kind of an “unconventional” question , but have some other visitors asked you how have the menu bar to appear like you have it? I also have a weblog and am really looking to adjust around the theme, on the other hand I’m terrified to death to mess with it for concern of the various search engines punishing me. I’m really new to all this …so i am simply not optimistic precisely how to try to to it all yet. I’ll just keep working on it one day at a time Thanks for any help you can offer here