Content Management System (CMS) ROI – Not Just About Cutting Costs Anymore

2 Responses to “Content Management System (CMS) ROI – Not Just About Cutting Costs Anymore”

  1. BrianT says:

    Great points, Chris.

    I’ve done a bunch of static content site updates for clients before and was often amazed by how much stress and effort people just assumed went along with updating their website. The e-mails, the word documents, the phone calls…. It is all effort and stress that people assume comes with owning a website - but it really doesn’t have to exist. This is a very real and often overlooked intangible cost that, when coupled with the $ cost-per-static-update, make moving to a CMS even more attractive.

    One other big thing that has changed in the last decade or so is the quality of content management systems. I did some work years ago implementing a site in Ektron 300 for a client and it did not work out very well; The CMS interface was pretty clunky and the result took a long time for employees to adapt to. In the recent years since then, however, the technical aspects of all CMSs have gotten nailed down and so CMS designers have spent a lot of effort hardening their tools for the end user.

  2. Christopher Murray says:

    BrianT - You are right, not only has the cost of these systems gone down but the quality and usability is far superior to what we had even just a few years ago. Wordpress, for example, is free open source software and (in my opinion) one of the easiest to use web publishing tools out there.