The CitySoft Email Viewer Plugin allows for sent email newsletters to be viewed on your CitySoft-powered website without having to republish the email as a page in the content management system.

Version 1.0 added March 25, 2009

Purchase Source Code Only: $99 USD

Purchase Source Code and Professional Installation: $149 USD

*NOTE – Download is not available immediately after purchase. Source code will be sent via email within 24 hours.

The CitySoft Email Viewer Plugin allows for sent email newsletters to be viewed on your CitySoft-powered website without having to republish the email as a page in the content management system. This allows you to link to your latest newsletter from your Blog or homepage and also lets you simplify text versions of your newsletters to simply display “Having trouble viewing this email? Click here to visit the version on our website.”


  1. Connect to CitySoft instance via FTP
  2. Navigate to /global/extensions/ directory
  3. If /global/extensions/config.cfm does not exist, create the file
  4. Upload the plugin folder to the extensions directory (/global/extensions/cmc_emailviewer/)
  5. In config.cfm, paste the following code to register the plugin:
    <cfset fusebox.Circuits.cmc_emailviewer = "home/_data/global/extensions/cmc_emailviewer">
  6. Save config.cfm
  7. Visit your home page to make sure nothing broke.

To view one of your sent emails on the website:

  1. Login to the admin section > communications > email
  2. Click the “view” icon next to the email you want to display on the website
  3. In your browser address bar, you will see a url like this:
  4. Write down the #37 – that is the system’s ID for this email.
  5. Open a new browser window or tab
  6. Visit the following URL, replacing “37″ with the ID of the email you want to view: